Zara Prowse
Public Health Nutritionist
A little bit about me
I am originally from Nantwich, Cheshire but currently living in Liverpool with my Daughter who has just graduated from university and Partner, an amazing cook with the ability to pair foods like no other. I am a qualified Teacher of Science and in 2017 decided to go back to university to study for a Masters degree in Public Health Nutrition specialising in sports nutrition and menopause.
As part of my MSc I completed modules in:
Contemporary Issues in Human Nutrition
Health Behaviours and Nutrition
Nutrition, Metabolism and Disease
Public Health Nutrition with an International Perspective
Research methods.
My research project looked at the dietary status of adolescent female gymnasts and adolescent females in the general population, looking specifically at iron intake.
With all this knowledge and experience, I want to improve peoples’ health generally and during menopause through back to basics, evidence-based nutrition increasing understanding of the importance of nutrition, so that knowledge and understanding can be passed on to families and friends and improve the health of the population.
Thank you for visiting my site and please explore what it has to offer. Follow me on my journey and gain some great insight into what you can do to improve your health and wellbeing during menopause.